Better contractor management = better safety outcomes



For many organisations, contractors play a key role in day-to-day operations and with that comes unique health and safety challenges. The more contractors engaged at any one time, the harder it is to keep on top of contractor administration, ensuring that records are up-to-date and tasks can be carried out safely by contracting staff.

That’s why we’ve made some major improvements to the way contractors are managed in ecoPortal. These updates empower your contractors to take control of their own staff’s information, streamline their onboarding process and enable you to easily keep track of all the contractors your organisation works with at any one time.

A complete record of your contractor organisations
You can now create a record of all the contractor organisations you work with in one place. This record includes who the assigned Contractor Administrator(s) is, whether contractors from this organisation are approved to come on-site and whether they are active or inactive.

This information sits in the ecoPortal toolbox under Contractor Manager; like the People Manager, but for Contractor Organisations.




Contractor admin in the hands of the contractor

Assigned Contractor Administrators have control over their own staff’s information. They can invite their staff members as external contractors, as well as edit or remove them as necessary, without assistance from you.

Aside from freeing up your time, this also helps streamline the contractor onboarding process. You simply set up the contractor organisation, appoint a contractor administrator and they do the rest when they’re ready to get the official processes like pre-qualification and inductions underway.

It’s a win-win!

Note: Contractor Administrators only have access to people and pages directly associated or assigned to them so the rest of your data is kept private and protected.







Connecting contractors to the organisations they work for

In the Contractor Manager, you can drill down into any Contractor Organisation to reveal a list of all of their staff.

Similarly, if you visit a Contractor staff member listed in the People Manager, you will see the Contractor Organisation they are associated with under Contractor settings.

This provides a beautifully clear link between a person who is a contractor and the contractor organisation they work for.

Only allow approved contractors on-site

For extra peace of mind, you can link ecoPortal’s Visitor Management and Contractor Management modules to ensure only contractors working for approved Contractor Organisations can check-in and come on site.

5 reasons to manage your contractor H&S in ecoPortal

  • Have complete visibility of all the contractor organisations you are, or have, engaged with
  • A scalable solution that lets the contractor handle admin related to their own staff
  • Establish a clear link between contractor staff and the organisations they work for
  • Keep your data secure, by only allowing contractors to view and access information associated with their own organisation 
  • Only allow approved contractors on-site by using alongside the Visitor Management
    Module for extra peace of mind.


How can I get started?

ecoPortal offers a range of solutions to not only help you manage your contractor organisations, but ensure contractors can safely carry out the tasks you have hired them to do including: contractor inductions, pre-qualifications, performing post-contract reviews, and housing your Job Safety Analyses and Site Specific Safety Plans.

If you’re ready to make it as easy as possible for you, and your contractors, to meet your joint Health and Safety responsibilities, reach out to your ecoPortal Customer Success Manager to learn more.


Daniel wo shadow

Daniel Alexander

Head of Product, ecoPortal

